Animal Kingdom

Let us begin with the very basics. Think of any creature – bugs, birds, animals, fishes, or any creature you just thought of belongs to a group called the Animal Kingdom. The Animal Kingdom is divided into two groups


All animals without back bones are called Invertebrates. Earthworms, starfishes, squids, snail fall in this category.


All animals with back bones are called vertebrates. Now all the animals with backbones, vertebrates

The word amphibian means two lives – one on land, one in water. Look below to learn more about amphibians. They have gills to breathe underwater, lungs to breathe on land. Lay eggs from which the young one hatch. They are cold blooded animals. Frogs, salamanders are most popular amphibians. Did you know that the largest amphibian is Chinese Giant Salamander? Coldblooded animals are those whose bodies don’t automatically regulate their temperature. Thus, their body temperature depends on the temperature of their surroundings
These creatures have scaly bodies. They spend lots of time in water. They lay eggs on water, are cold blooded animals. Turtles, alligators, crocodiles snakes are all reptiles.
Have feathers and wings, lay eggs and are warm blooded. Fishes live underwater, so have gills and no lungs. Lay eggs and have scales and fins.
Give birth to young ones instead of laying eggs. Are warm blooded, have fur or hair. Those that live on land have legs. They need to breathe and so have lungs. Invertebrates – example earthworm mollusc squid. Vertebrates – fish amphibians, reptiles birds mammals.
Category Example
Amphibians Frogs, toads Salamander
Birds Eagles and Saprrows
Reptiles Snakes, lizards
Mammals Man, sheep Cow